Data Book

Data Book

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This is the first trail data book to be sold in Japan (as far as we know).

The Data Book provides important information for the entire Michinoku Coastal Trail that didn’t fit on the maps. There are data books available for long distance trails like the Pacific Crest Trail or the Appalachian Trail, for example, with hikers planning their journey while consulting both their maps and their data book.

The Hiking Map Books also give distances between and information about major points, but the Data Book shows distances and information in much greater detail for the entire MCT. This information was carefully gathered by hikers who surveyed the entire MCT on foot themselves, and includes cumulative distances from the southern and northern terminus, elevation differences, nearby stations, toilets, sources of water, stores and more.

Hikers really need detailed information about the trail route to hike the over 1000 kilometer long Michinoku Coastal Trail, including where to eat and buy food and where to rest.

This Data Book was made by hikers, for hikers, making it easy to calculate that day’s target distance, check where the nearest places are to stock up on food, stay at a hotel or take a break, and see how much elevation change is in store.

The Data Books are made from A5 size paper (about the dimensions of a smaller paperback book), the same as the Hiking Map Books.

Use the Data Book as a supplement to your Hiking Map Books and see how much easier it makes planning your hike!